Object Actions



Drag Object with Mouse

Drag an Object in 3D worldspace with Mouse. The mouse button is selectable within the Action and a public bool is available to turn of and on Dragging for the selected object.

Drag Object to Rotate

Rotate an Object in 3D worldspace with Mouse. The mouse button is selectable within the Action and a public bool is available to turn of and on Dragging for the selected object. X and Y axis are also selectable, as is the speed of rotation.

Float an Object

Float an Object in 3D worldspace has many parameters that can be tweaked to obtain the desired affect. Time before start, repeat interval and loop count are also provided. A restart Action is needed to complete the floating effect.

Move Object by Distance

Move an Object by Distance with or without easing and return timer allows you to move any object on each or all of its axis. The Object can return to its orignial postion or stay where it is and moved to another position by calling the Action again, It can also wait until it returns. All values can also be obtained from Variables.

Move Object by Value

Move an Object by Value to a specific worldspace co-ordinate with or without easing and return timer allows you yo move any object on each or all of its axis. The Object can return to its orignial postion or stay where it is and moved to another position by calling the Action again, It can also wait until it returns. All values can also be obtained from Variables.

Shake an Object

Shake an Object in 3D worldspace has many parameters that can be tweaked to obtain the desired affect. Time before start, repeat interval and loop count are also provided. A restart Action is needed to complete the floating effect.

Get Parent

Get the Parent of a Game Object and store it to a Variable

Change Parent

Clear the Parent from a Game Object or set it back to the Parent stored in a Variable, or any other Object.

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