Audio Actions



Audio Mixer Volume

Changes the Volume of each channel on a custom audio mixer. Add the custom groups and change each volume separately.

Play Audio Source

After adding an Audio Source to a Game Object, this Action Plays the Audio attached. If the Audio was Paused, it plays from where it was paused. If Stopped, it starts the Audio again.

Pause Audio Source

After adding an Audio Source to a Game Object, this Action Pauses the Audio attached.

Stop Audio Source

After adding an Audio Source to a Game Object, this Action Stops the Audio attached.

Scrub Audio Source

Add this Action to the scene, add the Game Object with an Audio Source and a Slider. A text field can also be added to show the current time that the slider advances to.

Stream Audio Source

Music or Audio can be streamed from a web server. The Adio type can be selected and a custom mixer can be used. The volume and fade in can be adjusted.

Random Sound from list

WIth this Action, a List of sounds can be created and Played in a random order. The volume and fade in can be adjusted.

Random Sound from a folder

WIth this Action, sounds can be Played in a random order from a folder. The volume and fade in can be adjusted. The folder sound be included in a resources folder to be included in the build.

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